Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saltwater Pickle Company 3405



  1. Gibbs looks like he has been through the ringer (a few times), but Katie doesn't look a day older. Is Katie immortal? More importantly, was she ever able to wear the hat? We didn't skip past it did we?

  2. Katie does look great!! I'm not surprised! ; )

  3. Carl,

    I am thinking that you should change the part of the header underneath your name from Monday-Wednesday-Friday to: Maybe Wednesday or Friday. What give on the sporadic postings? Is everything OK? Do you hate us now? Come on man, we look forward to these.

  4. I think "The Saltwater Pickle Company" would be a great name for a restaurant. I can see the sign out front with the barrel, Gibbs, and Katie rocking in the waves and the kite bobbing independently with a string joining them. I am thinking seafood, but with a great pickle available at the restaurant and soon at all the local stores... It could be a deli ... Maybe a sports/deli/bar where Pail Hoze (Siphon Boys) visit to sign cartoons highlighting them! (If you build it, they will come ... for a price.)
